17. July 2023
Championship Cancelled
We regret to inform you that the European Universities Golf Championship, initially planned to take place in Ferrara from September 6-9, 2023 has been cancelled because of low numbers of registered participants.The Organising Committee and EUSA Executive Committee have come to conclusion that the organization of the event is no longer possible..
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10. January 2023
Are you registered for the European Universities Championships 2023?
European University Sports Association (EUSA) would like to invite you to explore the next year’s European Universities Championships, to register and make sure you compete in your chosen sport.
We are happy to report a big interest for this year's European Universities Championships, and to give you a reminder that it is still possible to..
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28. December 2022
New Year's Eve in Ferrara has been synonymous with amazement and pure magic for over twenty years. An event that attracts more than 30,000 people from all over the world.But let’s start from the beginning. We love our city so much that having a marvelous Castle in the center of town was not enough. To welcome the new millennium, we decided..
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15. December 2022
EUSA opens registration for 2023 European Universities Championships
EUSA opens registration for 2023 European Universities Championships
European University Sports Association (EUSA) opened registrations for the European UniversitiesChampionships 2023. Next year, between the months of June and September, student athletesengaged in their higher education studies at European universities will be able to..
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21. November 2022
EUSA Golf to be hosted by Ferrara in 2023
The city of Ferrara, in northern Itally, will be hosting the European Universities Championship in Golf, in 2023. The event will take place from 5-9 of September.
On 8 and 9 of November, EUSA Secretary General Mr Matjaz Pecovnik, EUSA Sports Manager Mr Miha Zvan and EUSA Assistant Sports Manager, Mr Mariano Carcatella, did an Inspection visit in..
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